CA Great Shakeout Emergency Drill

CA Great Shakeout Emergency Drill
10/17/2024, 8:25 AM 9:25 AM

The Great California ShakeOut, taking place on October 17th at 8:25 am, is an annual event where millions of people around the world, participate in an earthquake drill simultaneously. The Shakeout is the Fall Districtwide Emergency Drill, and all schools are expected to participate. Schools should review REF 5803 Emergency Procedures Drills and Districtwide Emergency Exercises which, starting on page 10, includes pre-exercise preparation/activities, day of procedures, and post-exercise tasks.

Participating in the ShakeOut gives schools the opportunity to implement their Integrated Safe School Plan (ISSP) by practicing the earthquake drill procedures, activating their emergency teams, and debriefing with the School Safety Planning Committee post-exercise. All multi-story schools should incorporate their Evac Chair into the evacuation process. All schools are required to submit an emergency drill evaluation within five school days of the exercise. 

Thank you for your continued support in emergency preparedness! More information is available on 

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